Our Supporters

Driftless Folk School only exists because of the generous financial and volunteer support we have received over the years.

We acknowledge our donors here, with our humble thanks.

Major Donors, at a level of $5000 or more

William A. Fisher Family Foundation

Paxam Foundation

The Paul E. Stry Foundation

The Charles R. O’Malley Charitable Lead Trust

Organic Valley

Lisa Henner

Leslie Henner Burns

Dawn and Vince Hundt

Ken and Michelle Workowski

The Yanke Family

David Moss

Lowell Rheinheimer

Sustaining Donors, including in-kind

Terrell Beck

Jeremy Bork

Bjorn Bergman

Mitch Vesaas

Driftless Magic Farm

Viroqua Food Co-op

all our Instructors and Committee members, who do so much for this school without compensation